Its Going to Be Won Again

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Then Scared Its Going To Happen AGAIN. :(

I am regretting not waiting a cycle until I got a regular flow to try once again. I had two chemicals back to back,  had sex twice right afterwards bleeding stopped, but then we decided to wait until I got my regular period once again to mayhap requite my body time to recover and some supplements to kicking in. I had 1 strange 24-hour interval of EWCM right subsequently bleeding which seemed odd. Then no sex except i time 4 days before my opk gave a loftier reading. We then decided to wait.

Well today I saw a very faint line and Im freaking out. I don't desire a third chemic and kicking myself for not waiting. It is extremely hard to wait even i cycle as I am almost 38 and I experience its wasted time. But now I'thousand total of regret and fear.

Not sure what I'm looking for in posting this.  Only felt like I needed to let this out. Any thoughts or encouragement is welcome. My heart won't stop racing :(

I don't know if any of the original commenters or anyone will read this. I was looking through my bookmarked posts for something and saw this one again. I read through all of the concatenation of events and comments again now a year later and it made me go teary eyed and also smile.

I am happy to say the little bean in this mail service that I was so nervous virtually losing is at present my sweet infant boy! ❤ I am and so grateful and re-reading this made me even more and then. Everyone who commented was so kind and encouraging. I hope everyone'south pregnancy journey went or is going well! And hopefully this gives some hope to anyone who has had chemicals and is going through the nerve-wracking process of trying over again.


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